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Crazy, Creative Minds

Crazy, Creative Minds

We are constantly adding to our range; not only designs created from our own crazy, creative minds but also from requests from our customers (many of whom are now friends – check our socials Facebook and Instagram ).  
They have asked for cards to be made using decks of cards for their poker playing uncle, a bon voyage card with the Colosseum portrayed on the front, super hero cards for their grandchildren, princesses, wedding cards for a couple getting married in New York to include the Manhattan skyline. The possibilities are endless.

 Most of our customers have been recommended and that’s brilliant. Lots are repeat customers because there is always a reason to send a card and what better than to personalise them with a name and to include something of interest specific to that person.

Our baby items are extremely popular.  One customer recently, was expecting her baby at the same time as her sister who lives in America.  Two blankets were ordered, both of the same design but different colour combinations.  Lovely to know that there are 2 new babies out there nice and cosy under our blankets on different sides of the world.
All our baby items (vests, babygrows, shoes, cardigans etc)  are presented in a white organza bag, adorned with pompoms, so if you are gifting someone it is already wrapped.

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Craft Fairs ‘show and sell’

Craft Fairs ‘show and sell’

Cotton and Card show and sell at various craft fairs which is always fun.  It’s great to get to out there and let the world see our products and give customers a chance to see and feel the unique designs we have created.  

It is always an early start on these days.  The car is full to brimming and the suspension is groaning under the weight.  Once unloaded and displayed it’s wonderful to get the initial feedback from the other stall holders and usually we have taken orders and sold several things even before the customers are allowed in.  Whilst most of our orders are from people who have been recommended or seen us on Facebook or Instagram it is very gratifying to see and hear first hand the admiration for the things we make. It definitely makes it all worth while.

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Creating unique handmade gifts & cards…

Creating unique handmade gifts & cards…

Well, how did we start Cotton and Card?  A very dear friend was going to become a grandmother for the first time and wanted something special for her new grandchild.

She particularly wanted crocheted shoes!  Not having a clue how to make them a lot of research was needed and a load of tutorials watched!  Also lots of frustration trying to get them right!  Perseverance prevailed and after several attempts – success.  The mum to be was enchanted by the designs and professional finish to the items gifted to her.  The floodgates opened and and orders from her friends poured in.  This lead to the inevitable question of whether we could provide other items for babies and of course we rose to the challenge.

Visit our shop to see our range or check out our  Facebook or Instagram pages for more pictures of our work.

They say there’s nothing better than filling you time doing something you love and the craft rooms (yes I said rooms) are certainly our ‘happy place’.